NetSuite Customer - Case Study

Situation: Our client was a NetSuite Customer with a highly complex system. They had their internal resource leave when they were midway through a critical implementation of NetSuite SuiteBilling module.

We educated the customer that there are only 114 SuiteBilling resources in the US.

We laid out 3 options to them to solve their issue:

  1. leveraging our 97% coverage of these resources to find someone who could work onsite
  2. Presenting candidate with other billing solution experience e.g. ZAB, 360 billing – who have the relevant skills to deliver
  3. Recommending a consulting firm, we are partnered with, to do this job – at a discounted (exclusive rate)

Result: They opted for option 1 – and we introduced 5 strong options for them to consider – all 5 interviewed and they brought someone on board in 14 days.